Centre for Early Child Development
The Centre for Early Child Development (CECD) is the research and development hub of the Blackpool Better Start Partnership. We are made up of research, service design, communications and community development teams.
CECD’s cutting edge research is grounded in lived experience, and its evidence based approach shows how we can most effectively improve early child development outcomes and the experiences of our local communities.
Our place based approach to early child development promotes collaboration and integrated working across the partnership and longstanding relationships with academic institutions and policy makers.
Our vision is for Blackpool families to raise happy, healthy children who grow up in communities that they feel proud of.
Every new baby in Blackpool will have access to the care and nurture they need for healthy development and will be ready to start school.
We support and empower families in Blackpool to have the best outcomes for their babies and children, from pregnancy to starting school.
We work with families to find the right support for them, at a personal and community level.
We are compassionate, approachable, dedicated and respectful.
Our investment, our research and our expertise will provide a legacy to the future families of Blackpool.
We will give the community the tools and advice to improve the outcomes of Blackpool children for years to come.
Our families, communities and workforce will have opportunities to understand how babies’ brains are built and will champion the importance of early child development.
Our families, communities and workforce will be supported to achieve their potential, and to have positive mental health and wellbeing.
All babies and children in Blackpool will be offered high-quality early years education and experiences and will have access to safe parks and areas for play.
Our families will have the right support at the right time and will feel seen, heard and cared for.
Together, the Partnership will lay the foundations to enable the Better Start approach to continue, influencing policy and practice through evidence and changing the way we work long-term.