Directory of Services
Below is a list of services that can be accessed by Blackpool Early Years workforce.
Please use the drop down menu for further information and details of how to refer families.
The Early Parenthood Service is a targeted service made up of a team of nurses with special training and experience in working with families in the pregnancy and early childhood period.Our aim is to support families (mums, dads and partners) from 12 weeks in pregnancy who identify as needing additional support up to when the baby is around 12 weeks (depending on the families individual needs). We aim to help them be the best parents they can be. A Request for support can be made from early pregnancy until 28 weeks in pregnancy. Consideration will be given for exceptional circumstances e.g. a parent who was late to book with or did not receive midwifery care in pregnancy.
The Early Parenthood Service is based at:
Whitegate Drive Health Centre
A perinatal educational programme designed to support expectant parents to manage the emotional and physical transition into parenthood.
Call: 01253 951694
Full service information here
NHS Blackpool PaIRS promotes a loving secure relationship between primary caregivers’ and their infants, and lays positive foundations for health and well-being that can last a lifetime.
For more information, please contact the team through or telephone 01253 958573
This project is developed by the The For Baby’s Sake Trust. It is an innovative therapeutic programme aimed at protecting babies from the impact of domestic abuse and breaking harmful patterns in relationships.
Call: 01253 478320 or 07393752416
Full service information here
Blackpool is the first town in England to increase the number of home visits that every family receives from their Health Visitor from the statutory five to a minimum of eight.
Call: 01253 951700
A programme designed to support pregnant women who have a history of childhood trauma who are at risk of, or are experiencing, PTSD symptoms during pregnancy.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
A volunteer service aimed at supporting parents to feel confident in their choices about how they feed their baby.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
Funding your ideas for you and your little ones
This fund lets parents and carers make suggestions about any activities or ideas they have for little ones aged 0-4. They can even make suggestions about any activities they would like to do too with other parents. Whatever their idea is, we could help make it happen!
To find our more and learn how to submit an idea:
HENRY Blackpool is an infant feeding service that can provide practical and emotional support around infant feeding, including breastfeeding, formula feeding and starting solids to parents.
Parents can call their helpline on 01253 746788 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Email for any enquiries
Full service information here
Safecare’s approach is to prevent cases of neglect before they escalate into child protection services and more serious harm is caused to young children.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
VIG is a powerful tool in helping to build parents’ self confidence and attunement with their child, enhancing communication within family relationships.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
‘Being a Parent’ is a 9 week parenting course. The course is led by parents for parents, with free childcare available and helps parents learn practical communication skills for everyday life.
For more information or to book, contact Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or email
Our friendly team are here to support parent, giving them the skills and confidence to make a positive impact on a child’s speech, language and communication. Families will be offered a series of visits to provide support from a trained early years professional to give their child’s speech language and communication skills a boost when it matters the most.
Call 01253 476 789 or email
Call: 0300 1234010
Full service information here
This programme aims to improve the oral health of children in the community by providing nurseries and childminders with training and the necessary equipment for supervised tooth brushing.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
Throughout the year, the Family Hubs host a variety of fun literacy-based activities centred around a main theme. Families can join storytelling and craft sessions, as well as getting out in the parks and open spaces.
Call: 01253 476789
Full service information here
The Early Years Park Rangers work with children and families under four to bring brain science into play through fun, activities and sessions which promote healthier lifestyles and the regular use of local parts and open spaces.
Call: 01253 478358
Full service information here
In order to achieve our three key child development outcomes, it is crucial that Blackpool Better Start works alongside the local early year’s workforce. The overall aim of the programme is to: improve children’s diet and nutrition; improve social and emotional development; improve speech, language and communication.
We work with leading Early Child Development academics and specialists to develop the knowledge and skills to design, deliver and evaluate pathways and services that will meet the needs of children and families in Blackpool. This learning is then shared with the local early year’s workforce through training, events and conferences. Together we will bring about systems change.
Upcoming Events
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