Services > Families with Children under 4 > Family Hubs
Family Hubs
Family Hubs act as a one-stop shop for a variety of services. There are three Family Hubs in Blackpool; North Family Hub, South Family Hub and Central Family Hub.
Location: 3 hubs across Blackpool
Website: Family Hubs
Facebook: BlackpoolFamilyHubs
What is it?
Family Hubs are committed to providing families and children the best start in life. Whether you’re a parent-to-be, new parent, grandparent or carer, you will be welcomed with a friendly face. They are a perfect place for your child to make friends and learn as they play.
Parents can also get advice on health and family matters and learn about training and job opportunities.
Who is it for?
Children, Young People and Families
Is a referral required?
All families welcome